Monday, April 26, 2010

Please excuse the soap box, but...

Hey Out There,

Today's asshole quote: "I don't see why anyone bothers. No one is bigger than the machine." Okay, Mr. World-weary hipster, suck it up. I nearly puked on my rain-boots when I heard that asinine idea. So no one is bigger than the machine. Martin Luther King Jr. wasn't. Gandhi wasn't. Jane Addams wasn't. Nancy Pelosi isn't. Despite all of the rhetoric, Obama isn't. And those are just the names you'll probably recognize.
Hope, an intolerance for intolerant bullshit, and the relentless struggle of the masses is the only thing that's ever changed anything. For there to be masses, there have to actually be people who care. Whether you believe in gender equality, class equality, Medicare reform, more stringency with welfare, going green, in big business, that the FDA needs to start actually doing it's job, in killing big business, that the government is too big, that the government isn't doing enough, that Coke beats Pepsi any day, it's all just about giving a damn. Believe in something. Believe in anything, and fight for it. Honestly, it's your civic duty. Apathy is a more effective killer of good and righteous change than opposition ever was.
No one is supposed to be bigger than the machine. Can we please regress to first grade, with the founding fathers and their system of checks and balances? It is exactly this system that allows such rapid and radical change. I will reiterate. No one is supposed to be bigger than the machine, because then this wouldn't be a democracy.

Asshole-Free Quote of the day:
"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do." -- Atticus Finch

Elena Grace