Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hey Out There,

I am not your mother.
I swear like a sailor, I don't clean my room as often as I should (i.e., only when I can no longer reach my bed), and I eat more starch than is probably healthy for a human being.
That being said, please, mind your manners.
There is a reason they were invented. They showcase class, generosity, and just all around respect for people on the grounds that they are human beings. So, a quick and basic review, shall we ladies and gentlemen?
*shut your damn trap while eating. seriously, that's just nasty.
*say please and thank you. always.
*get off the phone when you order/pay for food. your conversation is most likely not immediate life or death if you're about to get lunch, so for real. put that shit down for five seconds.
Other things, like thank you cards, I know can be iffy. We're all super busy, and while it would be nice of you to sit and write a quick note to your Uncle Bob who gave you those sweet McDonalds Bucks, he probably knows you're busy, and a quick email/phone call/text/twitter/facebook post/smoke signal/primal drum beat "thank you!" would suffice just as well. seriously, with how many ways we keep in touch these days, you've got no excuse.

Quote of the day:
Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter which fork you use. ~Emily Post

Elena Grace

p.s. sorry i haven't been around lately, bronchitis is the pits!

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